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Playlist #24: Spanish Rap (Thanks, Breaking Bad)

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April 30, 2014
It's official: Breaking Bad has made me love Spanish rap. How weird is that?! I'm all for finding new genres of music (remember my post about celtic rock, electro-swing and gregorian chants?!) but I never expected to find a new genre in a TV show about meth. I mean, duh, I realize it's not a "new" genre, but I just discovered it, so it's new to me. This music kind of makes me want to cook up some...

Snippets 02.

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April 28, 2014
ONE. I really, really like theory. I've tried my hand at keeping up this little window box with some pansies and some kale and for awhile, it was going really well. My kale was growing tall and blooming with these pretty yellow flowers. My pansies were blooming and making me feel like a successful old lady. But then these big ol' bugs showed up and I have no clue what to do about them....

4 Gorgeous Color Palettes Inspired by Plants

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April 25, 2014
Lately, as spring has been exploding all around me, I've been inspired by plants. Even when we think of nature in spring, it's always about the flowers. You know, the tulips and the daffodils and all. But I've just been enjoying the green. Behind my house, there's a little forest separating my street and the next street over. All through the winter, we can see the other houses, but as of the...

Weekly Goals #32

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April 22, 2014
Hello all! I hope you had a lovely Easter if you celebrate it or just a lovely weekend! I had Friday and Monday off and my weekend was oh-so-relaxing...I'm not looking forward to putting that nose back on the grindstone tomorrow. On Friday, H and I went out for lunch at a local Cajun place and tried to go golfing, only to find that the driving range was closed. After a quick google, we found...

CMS Rebrand + Moodboard

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April 20, 2014
So apparently, I have an odd fixation with changing my blog design riiiight when it's time to be in bed. Right now, it's 11 p.m., the night before Easter Sunday, which will involve getting up early for breakfast with my family, church, lunch with friends (and their very energetic kids...sigh) and all sorts of busyness. And I'm totally not sleeping to get ready for my day. No, that would be way too...

Missing Links: a big dose of science

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April 18, 2014
First off, thanks to Amanda for the title inspiration! (She's helped me with two posts in a row, which is quite impressive!) So I've been thinking (A dangerous pastime, I know). The truth is, I am just way too nerdy to limit myself to a science bit on the bottom of a post every once in awhile. I just love all things science, and I'm especially passionate about making science available and...

It's Hard to Be a Multipassionate Blogger

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April 16, 2014
(Source)Hey lovebugs! So you know how I've been in this weird in-betweeny space with this blog? Kind of like when you like a guy and he likes you but no one wants to admit it first so you just say awkward icky things for like a month. Anyways, y'all have offered me lots of great thoughts + advice about my struggle between writing about my passions + finding an audience and they have helped me so so...

Weekly Goals #31

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April 14, 2014
For the record, let it be known that I'm completely aware that these "weekly goals" are more like "every-few-weeks-aka-when-I-feel-like-it goals". But for clarity, let's keep calling them weekly goals. This past weekend, I visited my future college for the bajillionth time. I'm getting so excited to move myself into my apartment/suite in August! Yay college! But now it's back to my last few weeks...

DIY Design: Make a Back-to-Top Button for Blogger

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April 11, 2014
Okay, first a disclaimer: I am not an expert coder. If you ask me how to code anything on your website or blog, I will probably send you somewhere else, especially if it involves CSS. But HTML I can handle in small doses. And when I recently figured out how to make a back-to-top button without crazy coding, I just had to show you how I do it!In case you have no idea what I'm talking about, a back-to-top...

Playlist #22

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April 09, 2014
Hi friends! I hope you've had a lovely week so far and are ready to ace the rest of your week! I just wanted to say a little thank you for everyone who has been so supportive over the last few weeks as I've been dealing with my whole choosing-a-college situation. Though it hasn't been a super fun situation to be in, it really made me happy to see some of y'all really reach out and say nice things...

March in Favorites

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April 07, 2014
(Source)Things have been looking way up in March! I've been healthy, I've been happy, I've been (mostly) non-stressed! I've been treating myself right, exercising, eating healthy and trying to be happy and it's resulted in an inner peace that I've been feeling over the last few days. I'm inspired and excited for April to really begin!April is an especially exciting time because after this month, I...

Finding Inspiration for Your Blog Posts

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April 04, 2014
Lately, I've been less than inspired to write posts here. The desire is there--I love having this blog. But I've begun to overthink it. I feel like I constantly have to balance what my readers want to read (that's you!) and what I want to write and how to be genuinely myself in the process.(Source, as best as I can find)I was given the opportunity to host the Lifestyle Bloggers (#lbloggers) chat this...

5 Visually Inspiring Pins

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April 02, 2014
I just wanted to pop in today and share with you a few of the things that have been inspiring me lately on Pinterest. I've been using Pinterest more and more lately for various parts of my life: getting in shape, decorating a dorm room, inspiring my designs and satisfying my need for visually beautiful things. I've heard a lot of backlash against Pinterest lately about how it's a waste of time. Personally,...

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