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8 Things You Might Not Know About Me

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August 31, 2015
1 / I absolutely hate any game that involves acting. Of course, this is on my mind because just the other night, my friends wanted to play fishbowl (a charades-type game--we're fun people) and I just poo-pooed the whole thing and decided to be a terrible sport because I can't act to save my life. It's stressful!2 / I'm scared of moths. Not really any other bugs though! I mean I don't love spiders...

A Verse for an Inspired Fall

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August 28, 2015
I've been reading a lot on the Brave Love Blog about preparing for an inspired season in our life. Really, if you look back on your life, every season is special for some reason--whether it was an especially happy season or maybe a difficult season to get through. Since we're about to start a new season (FALL!! Even though it doesn't technically start for a month.) I wanted to choose a Bible...

5 Mantras for Working Hard

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August 26, 2015
I like to consider myself a hard worker. There are a lot of things I am not, but usually, I'm a pretty hard worker. I'm really motivated by success and seeing things turn out well when I spend effort on them. I love before and after pictures. I love change that comes from determination and perseverance.But sometimes...I don't want to do the work--especially when it comes to working out sometimes....

Goal Getters / August Check In

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August 19, 2015
Hiiii friends. Wow, life is crazy these days! I'm writing this post on Sunday night (#justbeinhonest) because I know I have one of the busiest weeks EVER coming up. Tomorrow, I'll be packing up the car and driving down to Florida. And on Tuesday, I'll move into a new apartment AND start sorority recruitment. Craaaazyyy. I might die.  I'm totally terrified of this week, but also really, really...

Learning to Socialize as an Introvert

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August 17, 2015
I've always been an introvert, but it's only been the last few years where I've really felt like being an introvert has kept me from doing all the things I want to do. Especially now that I've been to college and had to make new friends, I'm seeing that. It's one thing to accept that I'm not naturally a super outgoing person and it's another thing to stay home all day because of that.This was part...

August Mixtape

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August 12, 2015
(click to listen)We're already halfway through August...WHAAAAT. When did that happen?Anyways, I've got some music for ya today. As you may know, during the summers I work at an ice cream shop in a very small town. We're only open at nights, so I pretty much work from six or seven until midnight or later every night. After we close and everyone finally leaves, we usually have a lot of cleaning left...

The Importance of Hearing People's Stories

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August 10, 2015
 I am not a good listener. I admit that. It's definitely one of my weaknesses. Someone can be telling me their deep thoughts and I'll be thinking about what I want for lunch. It's bad, I know. A lot of times, I don't even realize what I'm missing out on. I assume everyone is just like me and that no one has anything new to say. But we all know that's not true. This past week, I've...

Curated / 19

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August 08, 2015
I'm a day late publishing this post, but I have to say that I'm not even sorry because my sister got engaged last week! It was a big surprise and it's been lots of fun sharing the news with everyone. Other than that, this week I've just been starting to wrap up work, train my replacements and start saying goodbye to everyone before I head back to North Carolina (home) for a few days and then back...

Crushing On Vintage Stamps

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August 05, 2015
I mentioned in a post a few weeks ago that I've started exploring the world of stamps. I know it sounds like something your weird 80-year-old great uncle would be into, but bear with me for a second.First off, it all started when I found out about these beautiful stamps that you can get at your post office, right now.They're gorgeous, right? And so I started looking around, wondering what other pretty...

Goal Getters / August

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August 03, 2015
This month is going to have a lotttt of changes. In the next few weeks, I'll be finishing up my summer job here in Michigan, going home to North Carolina for a few days, and then moving into my new apartment in Florida and starting my next year of school! Because my month is so split in every way possible, I'm going to make goals for each half of the month.Michigan goals (first half of the month):+...

Goal-Getters / July Wrap-Up

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August 01, 2015
IT'S AUGUST. I feel like most months I tend to say that time has flown by, but for once it seems like summer has been lasting forever. Between all the work and class, I can't say it's been all that relaxing! But that's okay, sometimes. :)Just really quickly today, I want to review my goals I made for July. And I saw quickly because...well, I didn't do so hot on all of them. *cue that emoji gritting...

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